Extremely Large Antenna Arrays (ELAA) are playing an increasingly crucial role in diverse applications, ranging from wideband communications and medical imaging to surveillance systems. Imagine designing a phased array system with dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of antennas. Traditional electromagnetic computer simulations could take hours to days to complete, given their limitations in handling such large-scale projects. However, FAST changes the game by performing the same task four orders of magnitude quicker – in seconds to minutes. This means we can help you optimise your design at a much faster pace, enabling a more efficient product development process. Our full-wave electromagnetic simulator FAST is the world’s fastest for electrically large phased arrays with many radiating elements, regardless of the layout of these antenna elements. Whether you are designing a new large wideband radar, a large-N MIMO for 6G communications or trying to calibrate a high sensitivity scientific instrument, we are here to help you.